Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Build Day 13

For the Durango build day, we got to work with Habitat for Humanity. The house that we were working on was in a pretty immature state. I worked with Connor for the beginning of the day, hammering in more wood to the frame of the house and getting it ready for some drywall! Connor was able to hit in a nail in like 10 hits but I counted and it took me anywhere from 70-90 hits....hammering is harder than you would think! For lunch, Aunt Jeanette and Rachel drove down to take me out to lunch and get away from the craziness for a little while! It was so amazing to get to see family and get away for a little while. I actually started to tear up a little when I saw them because of how much I miss family. We went to a Mexican restaurant for lunch and got some time to catch up and enjoy some free time. Afterwards, we went to the grocery store and bought strawberries and Popsicles! I'm so happy they were able to come visit me, I just wish I could have been kidnapped by them for the night and slept in a bed! For the rest of the build day, I helped put up a liner on the outside of the house (I don't remember exactly what kind it was). I had a really good build day and was happy to get to help again after what seemed like a long time without a build. That night, I took my bike to the store and got a new chain because mine was very worn out and then got ready for a really long week of riding. 

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