Friday, July 25, 2014

Page, AZ

A short day!!! Today was basically a day off for everyone because we only had to bike 36 miles and we had a major tailwind and slightly downhill the whole way! We got there in no time and had the whole day to do whatever we wanted. Right when I got there, Greg, Colleen and I went to try to find some cheap prices for the antelope canyon tour but everything was like $40. Instead, we went to a Mexican restaurant and got some lunch and then I took a wonderful nap until we went on the antelope canyon tour that Dan S organized for cheaper than $40. The tour was so amazing!! We got picked up at the church we were staying at by pickup trucks with benches in the bed that we sit in. The ride over was insane because of how we were put into the truck and because we had to go over a bunch of crazy sand that had a ton of bumps in it. Antelope canyon is a slot canyon so when you go in it, you can touch both sides of the canyon by reaching out with both arms. Apparently, if there's a storm miles away from the canyon, it floods really easily and goes all the way to the top of it. The canyon was only about half a mile long but it was up to 100 feet deep! It can flood almost all the way to the too with enough rain. After the tour, we went back and I took another nap, followed by a wonderful dinner provided by the host and me trying to go to bed early but having to do laundry and some organizing. It was a super fun day but I was tired by the time it was over!

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