Saturday, August 23, 2014

Lee Vining, CA

I rode with Colleen and Greg again! I always ride with them but we always have so much fun. We all knew that we were going to have some major climbing to do today but we also knew that it meant that we would be able to get out of the desert! At mile 12, the climb started! And it didn't stop until we got to mile 50 when we hit 8000ft. We climbed a total of 5200ft that day and even though it was pretty difficult, it was also a lot a lot of fun and it was so beautiful! We rolled into a tiny little town called Lee Vining and it was kind of like a tourist place for people to go if they were trying to visit Yosemite. We walked around and looked in all of the shops and then we went to a restaurant and got burgers and fries! That night, we finalized where our money was going to be donated for the grant program, so it was super exciting to get that out of the way and figured out. We also had a family meeting and lots of even more team bonding. People were really starting to realize how close we were to being done and that we need to stop wishing away our time with thoughts of the coast in our heads. Yosemite was tomorrow and we were all super pumped...except for that we found out that there was going to slight change of plans because of a forest fire in the park and blocking off the road we needed to take to bike in.

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