Saturday, May 24, 2014

Perry and Tallahassee FL

Two days ago, we made it to Perry FL. The 75 mile ride was definitely the most difficult for me so far. I'm getting preeeeetty tired and my legs are feelin riding day after day. In Perry, we stayed at a KOA campground in our tents we have! Each tent holds about 5 people and it actually wasn't as difficult to sleep in as a thought it was going to be! When we got there, we all jumped in the pool and swam for a little while, which was one of the most wonderful and relaxing things ever. We also got our mail!! Everyone was so excited to even just get a little letter from home. My parents and mommom and poppop sent me some little treats like Gu's and my parents sent beef jerky :) which is so delicious! We had a pretty busy day because of all the presentations that we were giving so I felt constantly on a schedule. 

Yesterday was our ride into Tallahassee! Only 58 miles (I know, 58 is a short day.. That's crazy to me) but it felt soooo much longer than that! Greg and I rode together again and struggled to lunch but then killed it afterwards. This was also our first introduction to hills! Hills aren't do bad for me though. It keeps the terrain interesting and the speeds changing which I like. At lunch, we met a man, John, that is cycling around the entire world! He is from London an has already finished all of Eurasia and arrived in the US a little while ago to bike from San Francisco to Jacksonville (just like us but backwards)! He says he averages about 130 miles a day through the US and has been biking for about a year and two weeks. His favorite place to bike through was Iran because everyone there was so supportive and friendly. He even had a man take him and a few other traveling cyclists into his home and feed them for a week. Apparently this man finds every traveling cyclist that goes through and takes care of him. He's like super well known for doing this! He told us that the general theme of his ride is that kindness and hospitality are the universal languages and that everyone along the way was so supportive and nice to him! Now that we are in Tallahassee, we have a build day today so we got to sleep in a little bit! Last night, the non-21 year old bikers and I all went down to the FSU fountain and wadded around in it for a little while and just spent some time talking. Also! Yesterday after the ride, I got some froyo for the first time in forever and was in heaven! It's the simple things this summer that make all the difference! 

Time to go build!!

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